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Burnbake’s Top Tips for Camping with Your Dog

Here, in the woodland oasis of Burnbake, we welcome all members of the family to have an adventure in the Dorset countryside. Often, this means four-legged family members joining the getaway too! Our campsite is totally dog-friendly, and the resident Burnbake pooch Teddy is always around to welcome furry visitors.

If you’re thinking of bringing your canine companion along on your great British camping trip this summer, we have compiled our top tips for you!

Do a tent test run

A brown, white and black colllie dog places its paw in the hand of a man wearing a beige jacket, against a white tent decorated with a grey pattern in the background.

Teaching an old dog new tricks can be hard at the best of times, so, ahead of your pooch’s first camping trip, it’s always good to do a test run and get your dog familiar with your tent. This will make things much more relaxing when you arrive at the campsite, and your dog will be used to the material and confines of your tent prior to your holiday. Pitch your tent up in your garden or local park and let your dog practise going in and out to get accustomed to it.

Be prepared when it comes to food and water

A brown and black dog takes a treat from its owner's hand.

Something which has become second nature to us when camping with Teddy is to pre-measure his dog food into zip lock bags. This will stop you from having to measure the food out on site or risk running out of food mid-trip! Lots of campsites, including Burnbake, will have water taps for you to fill up bottles and bowls, but it’s always good to check ahead of time. Bring collapsible food and water bowls as an ultimate space saver too!

On the campsite

A small, fluffy puppy dog with floppy ears stares into the grass around it. Its fur is white with black speckles and it wears a collar and lead.

Even though the campsite is dog-friendly, you probably don’t want to risk your dog running off after someone else’s delicious barbeque! Investing in a handy dog anchor will mean that you can pop your dog on their lead and secure them wherever you have pitched up.

Practising your dog’s commands ahead of your trip, such as ‘Come’ and ‘Leave’ mean that they may be more obedient, when surrounded by new and exciting distractions on the campsite too – we can’t blame them for wanting to steal a sausage!

In the tent

A black and white dog with large ears stares to the left of the camera, sitting inside a red tent.

Put some blankets on the floor of your tent to avoid claws ripping the lining and give their nails a clip before the trip to evade any popping air beds! Some dogs will be happy in their travel dog bed or crate, while others might want to snuggle up with you in your sleeping bag.

Plan for the weather

A man's hand strokes a white poodle, who is wearing brown tortoiseshell sunglasses.

As we all know, British weather can be somewhat unpredictable. Make sure you’re prepared for both the sun and the rain with extra supplies for your pooch. If hot weather is on the cards, a cool mat and a cooling dog bandana are great additions to your dog’s suitcase. In the cold, ensure you have extra blankets, your dog’s coat or maybe even invest in a doggy sleeping bag. Extra towels to clean up after muddy adventures always come in handy too!

Just incase!

A small, fluffy dog with curly, white fur smiles at the camera as it runs through a field of grass and clover.

It’s always a good idea to look up the local vet to where you are visiting and pop their details into your phone or file. Hopefully, it won’t be needed, but it is useful to have on hand for an emergency. Ensure that your doggy first aid kit is fully stocked, your pooch is up to date on their flea and tick repellent and bring along their medical file. It always pays to be prepared!

For ideas on where to take your dog on your Dorset camping holiday, check out our blog post A Dog-Friendly Dorset Adventure here.